So 2016 was a bit of a rough year for me and, if i'm totally honest, I am very much looking forward to moving onward and upward.
February of 2016 bought with it heartache for our little family. We suffered another early loss of a baby at 8 weeks gestation. Having previously lost one at 6 weeks at the end of 2015 this was another low blow and a real low point in the year for us as a unit. I am a very private person and it wasn't until August of 2016 that any of my family found out about either of these loses. I look back on that time now as a difficult time but one that helped shape me and enabled me to grow as a person. Although they were never on this earth we love and miss them always.
- I am planning a post that talks more about exactly what happened and the after effects and eventually deciding to try for another as it is an aspect of my life that I would personally like to reflect on and fully come to terms with my emotions surrounding the events before my little lady comes along -
At the beginning of 2016 we were still living with my Grandma, after losing our flat in Leicester at the end of 2015 but luckily it wasn't too long before we managed to find a place of our own which we moved into in June 2016. This was such a welcome change in our lives and gave us the room that we, especially Ollie, really needed. Even though we were happy to leave my Grandmas house we will always be forever grateful for her generosity and for opening her home to us when we were at our lowest point.
From June onward things finally began to improve! We moved into our new family home and in the August we found out that I was pregnant again! Nerves and apprehension followed but everything is going perfectly and as I am writing this I am 24 weeks and 3 days pregnant with our little lady.
From there everything seems to have gone smoothly. We are still very happy in our home and are looking forward to welcoming our little lady into our family in May.
HELLO 2017!
Looking forward to 2017, I don't want to set too many resolutions as most of my year will be spent still pregnant, or with a newborn baby! However there are a few things I would like to accomplish this year. I will be applying for either a university place or an apprenticeship in Nursing and Midwifery. It was something I had started doing before falling pregnant this time and so after little lady I am finally going to go back to education and follow my passion.
And lastly, I want to spend the year with people and doing things that make me happy. Parts of 2016 were quite dark for me so I look forward to filling 2017 with light, happiness and love!
So a (very late) happy new year to you all!
May you all find and accomplish what you want in 2017, be that a specific resolution or just a happier state of mind! I look forward to continuing this journey with you all and watching how all our lives change this year.
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